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Ripple and Reflect

Ease your anxiety by taking the guess work out of climate change's two biggest questions:  "what can I do?" and "will I make a difference?"  


Giving peace and progress, Ripple and Reflect provides:   

  • Concrete, actionable steps that you can personally take to improve our climate and our future.  

  • Models for how positive communication and behavior change spreads across communities - and how your simple actions can result in positive change far beyond you. 

  • Mindfulness tools to help you generate more resiliency and joy for this work.

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Co-sponsored with Sheldrake Environmental Center, Ripple and Reflect meets over 4 sessions, 1 hour each session, via Zoom. Each week highlights social science research on how behavior change spreads as well as scientific research on specific actions we can all take (and spread) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. All are welcome, regardless of prior experience. 


Days & Times​ - Currently Open Sessions 

  • Mondays, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm EST

  • Tuesday, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm EST


Suggested price of $75 for four sessions. One Small Stone is committed to an inclusive mindfulness community and welcomes all, regardless of ability to pay. Email for price adjustment. 

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“The [person] who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”


Ripple & Reflect Details
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“We don’t all have to do everything, but we all need to do something.”

Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

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